Enter a name for the database you want to create to start:

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New webhost

  • Hosting servers have been changed, let me know if you encounter any problems @okyn01
  • At this moment I will not add any more features to the website as it is, as I am currently busy with other projects, I will try to update if there are changes to new Laravel releases so it still works.
    When I have the time my priority would be to rewrite the whole website using VUE or Angular to make it go faster and more user friendly.
  • Also a big thanks to the people who have made donations to keep the website alive!

A bug fix

  • Foreign key constraints should now work correctly when forking a schema.
  • It is best to refork or check the constraints of a schema that you have forked in the past, there was a bug where it lost track of what was referenced.

Update for Laravel 5

  • All generators now generate files for Laravel 5.
  • Laravel 4.2 is still supported! Click Laravel 4.2 under the Export all menu.
  • If you find any bugs or weird things, email me at [email protected] or tweet @okyn01

Changelog v0.7.1

  • Added resource controller generation, this is still very basic at this time, next update will make it so you have an out of the box working crud system with bootstrapped views.

Update for Laravel 4.2

  • Changed soft deletes to use the new SoftDeletingTrait that is in Laravel 4.2, more information about soft deleting can be found here.
  • If you are still using older versions of laravel, you will need to manually change softdeletes in your models to how it was before.

New hosting

  • I changed the hosting for laravelsd.com, some people seem to have had problems with the site and it was quite slow. I hope it's better now, you can let me know at @okyn01

Changelog v0.7

  • Added a simple comment feature, you can make comments on your own schemas or on others that are shared while you are logged in. Comments made by the creator of the schema will have his name in orange.
  • Added the ability to unshare your database once you have it shared.
  • Added new relationships morphedByMany and morphToMany, more information about these relationships can be found here.
  • You can now use namespace names for relationships.

Namespaces and Happy holidays

  • Added the ability to declare a namespace if needed when you add/edit a table.
  • Fixed an issue where tables could have same model name which would lead to errors when generating the models.
  • If you find any bugs please report to @okyn01 or [email protected]
  • Happy holidays and all the best coding for 2014.

Quick update for Laravel 4.1

  • Added new hasManyThrough relationship. I did some quick changes so that you are now able to use the new relationship that comes with Laravel 4.1, I will implement this relationship in a better way in the near future.
    More information about hasManyThrough relationship can be found here

Changelog v0.6

  • Added seeding generation. Click on of the table you want to add seeding to, make sure to use quotation marks if needed for example with strings.
  • All generated files are now zipped in their respective folders, just unzip to app folder and overwrite where needed.
  • Purged old databases from previous version that had no users.
  • Fixed an issue with magic quotes.
  • If you wish to support this site consider clicking on any ad. Thanks!

Changelog v0.5.3

  • You can now export schemas and models separately in the export menu or just click on export to get both.
  • Added form export, this generates simple blade templates from table columns.

Changelog v0.5.2

  • Added guarded and fillable properties for mass assignment, more info about guarded and fillable here.
  • Added visible and hidden properties to hide attributes, more info at the bottom of this page .

Changelog v0.5.1

  • Shared database will now be private by default, you can change them to public with the checkbox on the share screen.
  • Added an extra input field for the relationships so you can add Eloquent methods like withPivot, orderBy etc.
  • Added more table colors.
  • Hovering over relationship paths will show their relation.
  • Fixed bug, illegal characters in generated zip filenames will now be underscores.

Changelog v0.5

  • Registering is now required.
  • Created databases will now be saved to each user.
  • If you still have URL's of databases that you need then log in, go to the URL and click on the claim button in the menu. Unclaimed databases will be removed in a month.
  • Search has been added, this will look through shared database names.
  • You can add shared databases to your favorites.
  • Table templates are now specific for each user.

Changelog v0.4

  • Added model generation.
  • Added relationships, click on of the table. You can find more instructions in help section.
  • Added foreign key constraints, check the "Foreign key" checkbox when adding or editing a column, only for "integer" and "biginteger" datatypes.
  • You are now required to give your table a model class name, older databases without model names will get a message to do this.
  • Visual relationships have been updated, they now connect according to how relationship is set by user.
  • Table names with underscore or dash will now get correct class name in schemas.
  • Updated help section.
  • Removed bug report from menu, if you find any bugs please report to @okyn01.

Changelog v0.3

  • You can now Share and Fork databases.
  • Manually make a relationship between tables, hold and drag to another table to connect them. Click on line between tables to remove.
  • New domain, update your bookmarks to www.laravelsd.com.
  • Added a help section.
  • Some bug fixes.

Changelog v0.2

  • Added visual relationship between tables, table "books" will link to other table that has column "book_id".
  • Removed fade from dialog modal.

Release v0.1

  • Visual representation of tables with colors.
  • No login required, databases get saved to unique uri for later editing.
  • Drag and drop tables around the screen.
  • Sort order of columns in table by dragging and dropping.
  • Laravel special database types.
  • Export your tables as a Laravel Schema to use in migrations.
  • Ability to save a common used table as a template to use for other databases.

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